12 research outputs found

    Investigating motor skill in closed-loop myoelectric hand prostheses:Through speed-accuracy trade-offs

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    Action representation in the mouse parieto-frontal network

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    The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) and frontal motor areas comprise a cortical network supporting goal-directed behaviour, with functions including sensorimotor transformations and decision making. In primates, this network links performed and observed actions via mirror neurons, which fire both when individuals perform an action and when they observe the same action performed by a conspecific. Mirror neurons are believed to be important for social learning, but it is not known whether mirror-like neurons occur in similar networks in other social species, such as rodents, or if they can be measured in such models using paradigms where observers passively view a demonstrator. Therefore, we imaged Ca2+ responses in PPC and secondary motor cortex (M2) while mice performed and observed pellet-reaching and wheel-running tasks, and found that cell populations in both areas robustly encoded several naturalistic behaviours. However, neural responses to the same set of observed actions were absent, although we verified that observer mice were attentive to performers and that PPC neurons responded reliably to visual cues. Statistical modelling also indicated that executed actions outperformed observed actions in predicting neural responses. These results raise the possibility that sensorimotor action recognition in rodents could take place outside of the parieto-frontal circuit, and underscore that detecting socially-driven neural coding depends critically on the species and behavioural paradigm used

    Optimering av extraktionsalgoritmer för neuronala datakÀllor: Ett prestandamÄtt baserat pÄ neuronala nÀtverksegenskaper

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    Extracting neural activity from electrophysiological and calcium All existing automated algorithms for this purpose, however, rely heavily on manual intervention and parameter tuning. In this thesis, we introduce a novel performance measure based on well-founded notions of neuronal network organization. This enables us to systematically tune parameters, using techniques from statistical design of experiments and response surface methods. We implement this framework on an algorithm used to extract neural activity from microendoscopic calcium imaging datasets, and demonstrate that this greatly reduces manual intervention.Extraktion av neuronal aktivitet frÄn elektrofysiologiska och kalciumavbildningsmÀtningar utgör ett viktigt problem inom neurovetenskapen. Alla existerande automatiska algoritmer för detta ÀndamÄl beror dock i dagslÀget pÄ manuell handpÄlÀggning och parameterinstÀllning. I detta examensarbete presenterar vi ett nytt prestandamÄtt baserat pÄ vÀlgrundade begrepp rörande organisationen av neuronala nÀtverk. Detta möjliggör en systematisk parameterinstÀllning genom att anvÀnda tekniker frÄn statistisk experimentdesign och response surface-metoder. Vi har implementerat detta ramverk för en algoritm som anvÀnds för att extrahera neuronal aktivitet frÄn mikroendoskopisk kalciumavbildningsdata och visar att detta förfarande avsevÀrt minskar behovet av manuell inblandning

    Contrasting action and posture coding with hierarchical deep neural network models of proprioception

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    Biological motor control is versatile, efficient, and depends on proprioceptive feedback. Muscles are flexible and undergo continuous changes, requiring distributed adaptive control mechanisms that continuously account for the body’s state. The canonical role of proprioception is representing the body state. We hypothesize that the proprioceptive system could also be critical for high-level tasks such as action recognition. To test this theory, we pursued a task-driven modeling approach, which allowed us to isolate the study of proprioception. We generated a large synthetic dataset of human arm trajectories tracing characters of the Latin alphabet in 3D space, together with muscle activities obtained from a musculoskeletal model and model-based muscle spindle activity. Next, we compared two classes of tasks: trajectory decoding and action recognition, which allowed us to train hierarchical models to decode either the position and velocity of the end-effector of one’s posture or the character (action) identity from the spindle firing patterns. We found that artificial neural networks could robustly solve both tasks, and the networks’ units show tuning properties similar to neurons in the primate somatosensory cortex and the brainstem. Remarkably, we found uniformly distributed directional selective units only with the action-recognition-trained models and not the trajectory-decoding-trained models. This suggests that proprioceptive encoding is additionally associated with higher-level functions such as action recognition and therefore provides new, experimentally testable hypotheses of how proprioception aids in adaptive motor control

    Task-driven hierarchical deep neural network models of the proprioceptive pathway

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    Biological motor control is versatile and efficient. Muscles are flexible and undergo continuous changes requiring distributed adaptive control mechanisms. How proprioception solves this problem in the brain is unknown. Here we pursue a task-driven modeling approach that has provided important insights into other sensory systems. However, unlike for vision and audition where large annotated datasets of raw images or sound are readily available, data of relevant proprioceptive stimuli are not. We generated a large-scale dataset of human arm trajectories as the hand is tracing the alphabet in 3D space, then using a musculoskeletal model derived the spindle firing rates during these movements. We propose an action recognition task that allows training of hierarchical models to classify the character identity from the spindle firing patterns. Artificial neural networks could robustly solve this task, and the networks’ units show directional movement tuning akin to neurons in the primate somatosensory cortex. The same architectures with random weights also show similar kinematic feature tuning but do not reproduce the diversity of preferred directional tuning nor do they have invariant tuning across 3D space. Taken together our model is the first to link tuning properties in the proprioceptive system to the behavioral level